Everything You Need to Know About Open Home Inspection

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Everything You Need to Know About Open Home Inspection
Everything You Need to Know About Open Home Inspection

Everything You Need to Know About Open Home Inspection

An open home inspection doesn’t require trained eye. An individual needs to check some crucial factors while doing the open home inspection. The good part is most pest inspection Gold Coast companies check everything while conducting a property inspection before finalizing a report. In this blog, let’s explore the essential things to look out for in an open home inspection.


A building inspector can detect different things while conducting an open home inspection. Some common things they can find are:

●    Doors that don’t lock close

●    Minor binding issues like seasonal swelling

●    The door is opening and closing on its own.


Ceilings are another essential thing to lookout for during the property inspection. Let’s find out about common ceiling issues:

Ceiling Cracks: The most common type of ceiling issue is cracking. A ceiling crack can be around 1mm and travel straight along the joint. A professional property inspector will look closely and check the cracking details.

 Sagging: Sagging is another common ceiling issue that can be found in almost every property. However, it can be difficult to inspect the sagging with a high-quality torch.

 Water Stains: Water stains can be found under the roof area, balconies, and bathrooms. If the professional team detects the source of water stains, they will suggest the best solutions.


Another crucial part of an open home inspection is walls. Most Gold Coast building and pest inspection companies find some crucial things during the inspection:

 Cracks: Just like the ceilings, a property’s wall scan be cracked, especially when it’s an old property. When a crack is less than1mm in width, it is considered a fine crack while a 5mm crack can be a structural movement.

 Flake and Bubble: The lower part of the wallboard is the primary indicator of dampness and is costly to locate. Only an experienced building inspection team can check this type of bubble and flake.

 Guttering: Besides the indoor, it’s essential to check the outdoors, especially the guttering system. The inspection team always checks if the guttering system is properly attached to the ground pipe.

 Drainage: Drainage can be a headache for many people. If the drainage system isn’t properly maintained, it can create a lot of issues for the walls or even the entire property.


Besides building inspection, pest inspection is essential for a property. There are some crucial things to look out for during the pest inspection:

●    Ensure if there was a termite attack on the property

●    A professional team will check the electric meter box for non-perishable stickers.

●    Check if there are drill holes in concrete areas that are close to dwelling walls. It can be a sign of the chemical termite barrier.

Conclusion, a trusted commercial building and pest inspection Gold Coast company, is well-known for providing in-depth building inspection across the area. Besides using advanced equipment, they have a highly experienced team. Contact the officials to get more details regarding open home inspection.

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