Most Common Pests That Annoy Us During Summer

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Most Common Pests That Annoy Us During Summer
Most Common Pests That Annoy Us During Summer

Most Common Pests That Annoy Us During Summer

Summer in Australia is a favorable season but it welcomes unwanted guests. This is the time when most harmful pests reproduce. Most pest inspection Gold Coast companies take extra care during that time. In this blog, let’s find out about the most common pests during this season.


It’s common to encounter ants on a daily basis, especially during summer. Even though ants don’t cause major issues, they can be unwanted guests to someone’s outdoor activities and a huge problem inside the house. Besides that, some species can leave painful bites.

How to Avoid Ants:

●    Remove food from dishes and wash off crumbs.

●    Ensure the bins have a lid top relent them from getting into.

●    Keep food items in secure airtight containers.

●    Keep the food in containers if there’s an outdoor activity during summertime.


Cockroaches can be even more dangerous than ants. Even though cockroaches are active throughout the year, they go into full gear during the summer months. These pests can be the cause of several issues.

How to Avoid Cockroaches:

●    Check out the moisture of an area as they like these types of places.

●    Avoid leaving food outside, even pet food.

●    Use a bin with a secure lid

●    Wash and rinse dishes after using them.

●    Store food in airtight and secure containers.


Mosquitoes aren’t a huge threat but they carry diseases that can be harmful for people. Mosquito season starts in spring and they start emerging in the summer months. Besides these things, mosquitoes can be pretty annoying.

How to Avoid Mosquitoes:

●    Ensure there’s no pool of water around the house or backyards as they can lay their eggs there.

●    Since mosquitoes are more active at night, make sure all the windows have screenings.

●    Ensure there are no holes and gaps, so mosquitoes can’t get into the house.

●    Trim trees, especially sap-producing plants as they are ideal homes for mosquitoes.


Flies are pretty notorious as they feed on all hazardous contaminants and spread that by landing on food items. Besides that, having flies around can be extremely irritating.

How to Avoid Flies:

●    Use a bin with a lid.

●    Remove potential food sources and wash dishes properly.

●    Keep food items in airtight containers or sealed packaging.

●    Use a food tent or containers while being outside.


As per most building and pest inspection Gold Coast companies, fleas can be harmful for homeowners and pets. Even though most fleas live on animals, they can bite humans too. Warm temperature triggers fleas eggs to mature.

How to Avoid Fleas:

●    Regularly check pets and maintain treatment

●    Maintain lawns and gardens to limit their ability


Possums can be a headache during the summer season, especially on the Gold Coast. They can keep the homeowner up all night.

 How to Avoid Possums:

●    Remove objects that are near the roof.

●    Trim trees, so they can’t reach the roof.

Conclusion, a trusted commercial building and pest inspection Gold Coast company, is well-known for providing pest inspection across the area. They use advanced techniques to remove pests and similar threats from the property.

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